Crushers Cone











Cone crusher is a crushing machine of continuous action. Cone crusher can be operated under the rubble, which allows to do direct feed of the rock mass. It is used for crushing ore minerals and non-ore rocks, particularly granite. Cone crusher is perfect for secondary and tertiary crushing. Cone crushers are divided into crushers for small (CSC), medium (CMC) and large (CLC) crushing. Cone crushers are characterized by compact size and high performance.

The basic principle is that сrusher abrades and splits the rocks, which is provided by a circular swing of movable crushing cone.

Ore piece are crushed when they fall into the space between the two conical surfaces. One surface is a movable part (movable cone armor) other is fixed part (fixed cone armor). The movable cone armor makes rotational or pivoting motions within the fixed cone armor. This machine is of continuous action, so the crushing and unloading take place in it continuously.

The main disadvantages of cone crushers are increased energy intensity of the work, the size of crushers and metal structure.

The main advantages of cone crushers are high productivity and work on a full-time.

Cone crushers are used for crushing materials with a compressive strength of 300 MPa.

All models are versatile and easy to use.

The main spare parts for cone crushers are mobile and fixed cone armor КМД/КСД.

By changing the gap between the crushing cone and the outer armor and the amplitude of the vibrations, you can adjust the work crusher.