Rod mill – a machine for grinding, which is used for coarse grinding (500-1000 mm) enriched raw materials before the final grinding in ball mills. Rod mill is a kind of drum mill, but the rods are used as grinding beads. The rod mill is used for grinding minerals, coal, coke and other materials. Dry and wet grinding methods are possible. Rod mills are most effective in the production of materials with a maximum particle size from 4 to 16 or 35 of fine products in a closed circuit.
The principle of rod mill’s work is quite simple: raw material is placed in a drum which is rotated; grinding takes place in interaction pieces of raw material with other pieces and with rods; during the rotation, chopped raw material is supplied to the outlet.
The main task of rod mills is to prepare the ore for ball mills. The main working part of the rod mill is a drum, which is filled with ore. The drum is a hollow cylinder; he lays round oneself by special plates for the lining. This is necessary to protect the surface against damage and wear. There is a partition inside the drum that serves for separating the compartments, where coarse and fine grinding takes place. Each side of the drum is equipped with covers, through which the loading and unloading of raw material takes place.
The main advantage of a rod mill is the ability to produce a uniform particle size product with a minimum amount not crushed product.
Our company has mastered the production of linings, loading and unloading of ore mills that exceed their production tasks in comparison with the original import lining.