Mining and Processing Enterprise is a mining company, which specializes in mining and processing of extracted solid minerals. Construction on the same area complexes of the extraction, processing and enrichment of the extracted solid minerals is caused by the necessity of processing the mined ore for its further use. Mining and Processing Enterprise is the largest mining and metallurgical complex, which specializes in the ore production, ore processing and enrichment at the special processing enterprise. Mining and Processing Enterprise consists of such main industrial complexes:
The largest mining and processing enterprises are:
Sometimes it happens that the metallurgical processing of the finished product takes place in the same territory with mining and processing of ore. In this case, the company called Mining and Metallurgical Combine
Our company specializes in the production of wearing parts for mining and processing complex, ferroalloy and processing plants. Depreciation is the result of industrial activity and always involves costs. Very often it is great expense. Therefore, it is absolutely logical to apply the lining almost wherever it is possible, thus reducing costs. Lining is mounted in exit and stacking trays, and bunker tanks, chutes and car bodywork are covered by lining.
Large amounts of crushed material and high-speed transport combined with low impact angles accelerates wear. This leads to the need for frequent replacement coverage and costly downtime. We strongly believe that the use of our unique materials will minimize maintenance costs of high wear and make production easier and less costly.